
Why You Can Trust Our Local Magazine Distribution

dial turned on high trust local directory magazine

Why You Can Trust Our Local Magazine Distribution

We know that spending money on advertising in local publications or local leaflet drops works, because that’s what our customers tell us. Of course, local distribution only works when you can trust the delivery company to do their job and deliver to all the houses in your target area.

Validating door to door distribution is notoriously difficult.
When we first started, over ten years ago, the only way was to carry our random checks. We’d send our staff to knock on doors and check if our leaflets and publications had been put through the correct letter boxes. As you can imagine, this was very time-consuming. With over 100 distributors it was simply impossible to track every single round every month. It was the best we could do but we wanted to do better!

dial turned on high trust local directory magazine

fingers turning trust dial up to high why can you trust the local directory for advertising

Today, local Directory are the only door to door distribution company in this area to use GPS technology to monitor all our rounds. Unlike our competitors, who still rely on a few random spot checks at best, we use Letterbox Check. This system uses smartphone technology to track accurately the route taken by ALL of our distributors on EVERY round.

If you want the proof, you can easily go online and see for yourself, just ask us for access.

Letterbox Check also makes it much easier for us to map and print each round complete with an accurate letterbox count based on Royal Mail data.

We invested in this technology because we know how much the peace of mind it gives is worth to you.Thanks to Letterbox Check,local Directory can guarantee a delivery validation rate of more than 95%. No other distribution company in the Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire comes close.

Since installing Letterbox Check, we have not had a single case of client literature being misplaced and that’s something that should help you to trust us!

To find out more about cost-effective local directory advertising and guaranteed leaflet drops talk to local Directory today on: 01494 725878

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