
Why consistent local advertising is the only way to market your business

local advertising leaflet posted through the letterbox

Why consistent local advertising is the only way to market your business

In a world that is often just digital, it’s easy to assume that our money should be funnelled online only when it comes to advertising.

But by only focussing online we miss out on all of those customers that may only pop online once a day, or want to stay local with a business they trust. Local business advertising is the most effective way to target your own specific group of individuals and see a greater return on investment. So, what exactly are the benefits of advertising with The Local Directory?

A local advertising campaign is able to target a specific demographic, meaning you don’t have to waste money on general ads that will reach a wide audience but generate little interest.

Many magazines claim a big number of print but do they really print what they claim? Can they prove the numbers? It’s not unknown for some magazines to claim that they print 15,000 but only actually print 5,000!

Magazine delivery is costly and very difficult to police. How can you guarantee that the magazine you have advertised in will actually get delivered directly through each letterbox?  Most are piled high as pickups in coffee shops and health surgeries and many end up in the bin. No other magazine company that we know of locally tracks any of their deliveries to ensure 100% completion. We track all our deliveries using a smart phone app which tracks all distributors every 4 seconds – so you can guarantee that the money you spent is worth every penny.

For each of our thirteen magazines, we deliver 8,000 – 9,000 copies. On top of each home receiving a magazine through their door we also place mags IN ADDITION to our door drops in coffee shops, health surgeries, sport centres. Basically, anywhere where there is some “dwell” time.

The best thing about working with The Local Directory is that there is no need to use multiple publications. We have all areas you require under our umbrella – we’re a one stop shop for your print advertising needs.

We give an automatic FREE online listing on our website to all current months magazine advertisers –  no other company to our knowledge offers this completely FREE of charge.

To ensure that we offer the very best content to our vast readership, we fill our magazines with editorial content.  50% of our content is hyper-local (eg community board pages, National Trust, Local Walks, Useful Numbers, Citizen Advice Bureau articles, Chiltern Film Society, Bridge Club etc). The other 50% editorial is generic articles on health, finance, gardening, celebrity article, travel etc as well as a recipe, puzzles, crosswords and a kids page.  All content is selected to appeal all members of the household to ensure the magazine is retained for longer in the home.

It’s really important to us at The Local Directory that we ensure our magazine offers the very best to both our readership and our business advertisers. In general most newspapers and other local magazines that carry local news tend be kept for 3-5 days maximum and are then recycled.  The Local Directory, being a directory magazine with some local community info and lifestyle articles, tends to stay in the home all month if not longer. That’s not a guess – it’s a fact.

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